Welcome to my handmade cards web site! I hope that you will be able to find cards you like. Each card is handmade, individually crafted by me in my studio, with love, care and attention to detail. I love making cards and sending them off around the world.
Owing to a change in the last collection time at my post office,I now have say that, where possible, I will send out all orders received before 3pm on the same day.
Each card measures 125mm x 125mm or 100mm x 100mm. The larger cards are in a pack of ten cards (and envelopes) all with the one featured design. The smaller cards are in a pack of five cards (and envelopes) again all with one featured design. Using the same quality cardstock as the individual designs but not using the rhinestones and other decorative items this is a more budget conscious option. They are still made with the same love, care and attention to detail.